Do you feel overwhelmed by parenting and stuck in survival mode?

These small humans you made seem to:

  • give up easily and give in to defeat and dejection
  • argue with each other, and you, constantly
  • lack internal motivation
  • whine and complain a lot
  • rarely follow through with basic tasks without supervision
  • be afraid to try new things
  • and lack whatever mental toughness you feel like they may need to succeed at life

You don't know how you can change this.

You want your children to be strong, to try again, to get back up after they fall down, to not let the hard things in life defeat them.
But instead, they often give up before they even try. They don't believe that they can succeed at things. Maybe you don't believe it either.

You feel stuck in the daily grind, unable to break out of these habits and patterns that are hurting you.

Redirection, in parenting, is when a parent presents something fun and interesting to catch a child's attention and give them something positive to do. It's best used when the child is intent on a negative or harmful action.

Sometimes you and your whole family can benefit from some redirection.

You can change your family's default settings.

ReDirect is a course designed to orient your whole family in the direction of things that are good, interesting, and hopeful, by be intentional where you want your life-story to take you.

Your family is on a journey together.

Right now, you may just feel like you are wandering in circles. You don't have a good idea of where you're going, or how to get there.
You feel like you have lost your way.

But I promise that after you take this class you will feel more in charge of your life.

Positive Attitudes

You will see a change in the way your family talks about themselves, and each other.

You will see a change in how you all treat each other, and in your attitudes. 
You'll find that Family Time is more enjoyable.


You will feel confident in your ability to lead your family. You will feel more capable of being "The Adult in Charge".

Your children will start to trust you more, and you will also start to trust yourself.

Inner Strength

You won't be easily defeated.

You will see setbacks as growth and learning opportunities, instead of letting them define you and giving up.

Your children will believe in themselves and in their abilities.

Course Outline

  Module 1 - Once Upon a Time
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - What Is Your Current Story?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - The Fork in the Road
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - Where Are You Going, and Why?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - You Can Change Your Story
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - ReFrame and Rewrite
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 7 - Adventure Time!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 8 - This is What Heroes Are Made Of
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Not a Plan: A Direction

And tools to navigate your way there, together.

By the end of this 8 week course you will have plotted a course forward for your family.

You will have created frameworks to help guide and simplify future decisions.

You'll have a clearer perspective on the problems your family faces and what steps you can take to overcome them.

You will know what actions to take to build resilience in your children.

You'll have tools to handle stressful situations.

This isn't a schedule or a checklist, or a rigid set of tasks. This is a new mindset that will affect all your future actions. This is a change in thinking, believing, and speaking that is actionable. This is experiencing your life as a fun adventure that you get to be on together.

These tools will work, even in stressful situations.

This is where your family's story starts to move toward a hero arc, capable of handling whatever hard things that life throws at you.